Sunday, September 20, 2009

New Neighbors

Matt's sister and niece, Nancye and Bug, moved into my apartment complex last week. Their place is really cute and only 3 buildings down from me! :) Once we got them all moved in we got to go to Target and pick out some fun stuff to decorate Bugs new room. I don't know if you've seen them or not, but there are these new sticky decals you can use to decorate walls and they are too cute!
Check out her room!! I wish my room looked like this!I love the hedgehog/porcupine guy!

"Those People"

Matt wanted to put his desk in the garage sale at his NanNan's house...

NanNan lives 2 blocks down the road...

The desk wouldn't fit in the car...
Yes, this actually happened... We are "those people."

Then, we went to Target. I do love Target! I want to look at everything EVERY time I go. I mean you just never know when that one thing you don't really need will go on sale. While I was looking at every end-cap to see if there was anything I couldn't live without... Matt and our friend Steele were making their own fun! :)Again... We are "those people" in Target.
How am I supposed to NOT take a picture of this?!

Friday, September 4, 2009

This actually happened...

Today on the board I wrote 3 SIMPLE sentences and this is what happened....

student: I can't read Spanish!

me: Do you think this (pointing to the sentences on the board) is Spanish?

student: Yes (he was totally serious)


Oh my! This is NEVER a good sign!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So, I've been a total slacker! I haven't updated my blog in forever!!

I've been working hard though! School has started and I have a really good group! I think it's going to be a good year! I'm excited.

AND! I decided this week that I am going to take on a new challenge this year. Everyone at my school wants morning announcements... not just on the intercom, like we do now... but "real" announcements... videoed with student anchors. I have decided that I'm going to take on this responsibility. Matt has agreed to help me with the editing and initial start up (which is awesome, because he is REALLY good at this stuff) and I will get the videos. Matt is going to teach me what he knows and hopefully I will learn a lot! I am going to have the kids (4th graders) come to my room after school and we will set up a nice background and video everything in there with my Flip Video Camera. Then, we will use iMovie on my apple to edit. I'm really excited! I'm going to have a theme for each day (like "Wacky Wednesday") and record different school activities to share with everyone. Anyone have any good ideas??

Should be fun!

I promise to post some pictures soon!